Saturday, April 9, 2011

24 Hour Read-A-thon - April 9th

I came to the party late, but thought I'd give it a shot anyway.   I am up and ready to READ READ READ today - even though I'm feeling very groggy this morning. My doctor prescribed Ambien and I took it for the first time last night. I think I would rather just wake up tired (or just get up and read when I can't sleep) than wake up feeling fuzzy headed.

If  you want more info on the Read-A-Thon check out Dewey Read A Thon site.  I don't really have a game plan.  I have two books I'd like to finish The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield for book club and a If Books Could Kill by Kate Carlisle.  There are plenty of other books waiting in the wings once these are finished.  (Now, let's hope a cup of coffee with sweep out the Ambien cobwebs and I can actually enjoy some good reading time.)


Leslie @ This is the Refrain said...

Happy reading! I know this is the home stretch... well, sort of. There are still 8 hours to go! I hope you're getting all that you wanted done! I've heard marvelous things about The Thirteenth Tale!

Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

Glad you're doing Readathon!

Read that book,
Flip that page,
24 Hour Readathon
Is all the rage!

soleil said...

The Thirtheenth Tale-excellent choice!
Only a few more hours!! You can do it!