Monday, January 3, 2011

You by Charles Benoit

Good Reads Description:
This wasn't the way it was supposed to go.
You're just a typical fifteen-year-old sophomore, an average guy named Kyle Chase. This can't be happening to you. But then, how do you explain all the blood? How do you explain how you got here in the first place?
There had to have been signs, had to have been some clues it was coming. Did you miss them, or ignore them? Maybe if you can figure out where it all went wrong, you can still make it right. Or is it already too late? Think fast, Kyle. Time's running out. How did this happen?
You is the riveting story of fifteen-year-old Kyle and the small choices he does and doesn't make that lead to his own destruction.

What a great read for my first YA read for 2011. I was hooked from the first word.  Benoit spins a compelling tale without being verbose.  Teens who struggle to fit in and to understand why seemingly innocuous decisions create so much trouble will identify with this book.

I’m sure teen girls will enjoy this book as well, but it’s a great book to recommend to male readers who have trouble finding a good read amidst all the paranormal romance and teen chick lit books.

It’s a quick, engaging read that you won’t want to put down until the last word.

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