Tuesday, December 14, 2010

111 in 2011

I never realized how many reading challenges are out there. Here's a new one that I found. Though to be honest, in 2010 I've read over twice that challenge. But I thought it might be interesting to see how long it takes me to reach 111 or maybe I can just see if I can read 111 picture books or something.  The 111 in '11 challenge is hosted by Jennie at Life Is Short. Read Fast. If you want to join the challenge click here to sign up.


Jenny J said...

I would love to do this!!! Do board books count? Just kidding, although I do read the same books at least 10x a day each :).

Booklady said...

Jenbug: I'm going to count picture books, so I would imagine board books could count. I thought I would go one step further and track how many of the books I read are picture books (I'm an elementary librarian so it would be quite a few) vs how many are chapter books and how many are audio books.

Beverly (Booklady)

Jenny J said...

That's a great idea, I think I will do that too. Although I will only count the each board book once, seeing as little Addison LOVES to be read the same books over and over and over :)